Alternative Eye for the Third World

Alternative Eye for the Third World
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Язык: Русский
Inclusive education is a relatively new term in the education system of Bangladesh. It is both a precondition and a result of social history, which could undermine the existing values of the society. As the Father of the Nation of Bangladesh Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman said, “Education will be the means of freedom.” In this case, only inclusive education can enhance freedom for students with disabilities and support the notion of social justice in education. This book attempts to meet the requirement and vision of a better future for students with disabilities in mainstream education settings. The purpose of this book is to understand and describe the inclusive education practices for students with disabilities in secondary schools in Bangladesh. It is true that the findings of the book will serve as a guide to rethink the classroom practices within the development horizon of inclusive education in order to ensure the invisible and vulnerable group; the “students with disabilities” are included in mainstream education.


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