Adapting Cropping Systems under Changing Climate in NW Bangladesh

Adapting Cropping Systems under Changing Climate in NW Bangladesh
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Язык: Русский
The book highlights the results of a cross-regional study of adapting cropping systems in two different agro-ecological zones of NW Bangladesh in the context of climate change. There are precise descriptions of the magnitude and trends of climate change, assessment of agricultural flood and drought hazards with their frequency and severity, flood and drought risk pattern from their hazard point, analysis of the mode and accuracy of farmer’s perceptions about climate change and drought phenomenon and finally an appraisal of the measures of farmer's adaptation using statistical tools, such as, ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) modeling, Mann Kendall Test, Sen's Slope Estimator and Linear Regression Analysis. Finally suggestions have been made from the point of sustainable management strategies for facing upcoming risks due to the changing climate. The book will be helpful to the students, researchers and future policy makers.


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