A Literature Work book on Mariama Ba's Novel

A Literature Work book on Mariama Ba's Novel
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Язык: Русский
This workbook is centered on Mariama Ba’s novel, Scarlet Song. The workbook has adopted an integrated, responsive and learner centered approach. It systematically leads the student to learn a multiplicity of language skills while studying Scarlet Song. It is prepared in such a way that it can be used in the absence of the instructor so long as the student is disciplined enough to follow the instructions given. Instructors can also use it in class together with the novel. As you study Scarlet Song with the help of your workbook, you will encounter various tasks, activities and questions which cover comprehension skills, grammar, summary and composition writing. There are many self evaluating tasks and activities in the workbook. Students should attempt them as they study the novel. The instructors are urged to sensitize their students to attempt the tasks, activities and questions in order to get a thorough and systematic understanding of the issues raised in the novel. The tasks and activities serve to open up the minds of the students to a critical interpretation of the novel and to enable them acquire the various language skills.


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